Welcome to Amice Technologies

We Make Digital Ideas & SEO Marketing

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Website Design & Application Development

Website is one of the biggest Technology used to introduce your company to others. We are providing that great services for our clients based on the vast knowledge and experience. In Website designing & Appllication Development, we are using the technologies like HTML,CSS, JAVASCRIPT, PHP, MY SQL, ASP.Net, C#.Net, ODBMS Technologies.

Software Development

We eagerly provide services to the business owners, and staffs working in their organization by simplifying their works, systematic approach, managing time, Easy Data retrival and updation through our softwares. We are providing Softwares like payroll management, Marketing Automation, Employee details management, Billing System, and Custom Softwares based on the clients requirements. Using Technologies: VB.Net, C#.Net, Java

SEO(Search Engine Optimization)

Google is trending search engine used by most of the people. Each company have their own competitors. Through Website, all companies are showing their eprofile through the search engines based on the clients need. Some criteria is used by the search engines to show the top results. That is called as SEO. Amice Technologies provides best offer of their clients to get their company profile in Top pages of searches in Search engines.

Digital Marketing Services

Digital Marketing services is also known as advertisement. Through the advertisement, the organizations shows their services. In earlier days, marketing platforms are newspaper, TV, Radio and announcement in vehicles. But nowadays, most of the people using emagazines, search engines to get latest updates, social media networks . So, we foucses on these platforms to reach the client. Those services are paid service. We are providing Google Ads service, Facebook Ads service, Instagram Ad service, Youtube ad services etc.,

Grow your website with our SEO service & Project Ideas

Website Design & Application




Digital Marketing Services


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SEO Agency & Digital Marketing

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+91 8939766743